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  • Writer's pictureDawn at Laundimer

Merry Christmas 2022

Merry Christmas everyone for 2022!

I hope everyone has had a fun and festive time of it. I'm actually yet to start my Christmas celebrations this year because my baby girl doesn't get back until the 27th and my partner doesn't return from his ski holiday until the 28th, so I will have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day a little bit late. To kick off our celebrations my daughter will open her Christmas Eve box and we will stay out in the 'Little Stable' for the night enjoying a pamper night... we love the Little Stable experience as much as guests do!

I've used my 'me' time to organise, deep clean, finish off projects, pamper myself, bake delicious things, take lovely long walks in the countryside and start making exciting plans for diary is already filling up and this includes some summer guest bookings too!

I know this past year has been somewhat difficult for many people (to say the least) and we're all keeping our eye on the electric meter end energy prices. However, I'm not one for sitting on my hands and I'm endeavouring to continue to improve my little business a bit at a time. The last of the big double rooms originally known as 'Whisper's Corner' which is now called 'Honey Bees', is undergoing the start of its facelift. The bathroom is the first thing to be tackled and I hope this will be all done by the end of January 2023.

I've already made some very nice changes to the 'Birch Trees' downstairs room and 'Wood View'. Birch Trees now has pheasant theme feature wall with wallpaper by Voyage Maison, convenient USB bedside plug sockets and dimmable spotlights.

Wood View has a 'Hare' theme with two new prints by Voyage Maison (can you tell I'm a fan of this company 🥰) which tie in beautifully with the Hare bedside lamps. We continue to celebrate British wildlife and support our feathered and furry friends.

The next stage for the business is to finish 'Honey Bees' Emperor room with new fitted wardrobes, desk and seating area and a general redecoration. It will be a first class executive room when it's completed. After that I will look to installing a kitchenette for guest use and get my arm muscles primed to finish off the patio area under the oak pergola when the spring weather arrives.

Here's to getting on with things and a happy and prosperous 2023 for everyone. I look forward to welcoming you back.

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